
Niveau 1
Invest C$50K+
  • 0.75% Frais de gestion1
  • 10% Commission de performance2
  • Rééquilibrage guidé
  • Réinvestissement des dividendes
  • Support dédié
Niveau 3
Invest C$1M+
  • 0,40% Frais de gestion1
  • 10% Commission de performance2
  • Rééquilibrage guidé
  • Réinvestissement des dividendes
  • Support dédié

1. Les frais de gestion sont égaux au pourcentage indiqué ci-dessus de vos actifs gérés et sont facturés sur une base mensuelle.

2. The performance fee is paid only when the fund is performance is above 5% per year before the management fee. When the fund exceeds this performance threshold, FBAM receives 10% of the surplus while customers retain 90%. The performance fee is an incentive for the portfolio manager to provide the best possible returns to its clients.

3. Both fees are paid out of your Interactive Broker’s SMA. All returns shown on the website and in our marketing materials are after fees. There are no other fees for FBAM’s clients (administrative, transfer, purchase or redemption).